Oh, the Leaderboard — that amorphous box hovering ominously on the side of your workout screen that ranks athletes in an online class. In the last few years the Leaderboard has become a presence in online classes with verifiable popularity. I am torn on my feelings about the Leaderboard — in any given ride, I find I will watch it, then swipe away in disgust, only to swipe it out again — just to see if I budged.
For those who are competitive in nature, the Leaderboard drives the ride. Forget the trainer or the cues or what anyone in the studio is doing; the only thing that matters to you is where your name falls on that list. For those who don’t love being ranked, the Leaderboard can sometimes feel discouraging.
Whatever you think about the Leaderboard, it’s a popular feature that many people like. The online community created by and linked through the Leaderboard is one of the driving forces behind the success of subscription-based exercise classes.
Recently, iFit introduced a Leaderboard feature in its classes and outdoor routes. This offers many similar features to the Peloton Leaderboard with a few important upgrades for user convenience.
First, let’s outline the Leaderboard display.
1. Leaderboard Default
This shows up when you begin your class or program. It displays all riders who have or are currently competing in that event. Riders are identified by:
a. First name and last initial or Anonymous (if you’ve adjusted your privacy settings)
b. Gender (M or F)
c. Age by decade (30’s, 40’s, etc.)
d. Average miles per hour
e. Elevation Gain
2. Leaderboard Filters
In order to compare fairly, you can adjust the Leaderboard filters as follows:
- You may create your own Leaderboard to compete against friends. In order to do this, you must log in to iFit.com and add/create a group.
- Male and Female options are available under the Gender tab
Age group
- Filter riders to only include those in your age group (by decade)
- Studio bike (Nordictrack or ProForm bikes)
- Bike (if you are riding another exercise bike but using the iFit app)
- All Time (anyone who has ever taken the ride)
- Last 30 days (anyone who has taken the ride in the last 30 days)
- This year (anyone who has taken the ride this calender year)
Hide Modified
- In order to keep the Leaderboard fair, you can exclude riders who have paused or stopped their ride at some point. This eliminates any unfair advantage to riders who may stop for a drink or a break and then come back refreshed.
- Any rider who has paused or stopped their ride has a yellow bubble just above their name.
Hide Incomplete
- Exclude riders who have not completed the full route or class
Only You
- This is for when you want to ride against yourself. If you have already done a ride, and now you plan to try and beat your previous course record, you can log in and race against your past time.
a. Miles – The default is to rank all riders based on total distance. Distance is determined by both speed and resistance. The rider who rides the fastest with the most resistance will travel the farthest during the course of the ride. This rider is ranked first and designated “the King” with a crown beside their name. All other riders are given a ranking beginning with #2 (after the king) and moving down numerically.
b. Elevation Gain – You can choose to rank the Leaderboard by elevation gain. This eliminates the advantage of those riders who leave their bike at 0% grade (or lower) and just sprint the whole thing. The elevation ranking reflects the effort of riders who use automated or manually set incline.
How the Leaderboard functions
On the Class Info Screen
Included in the class overview is a box which displays Leaderboard info such as the total number of athletes who have done the ride and the top three riders.
In an Outdoor Route or Class
Like Peloton’s Leaderboard, the iFit board appears on the right side of your screen in a vertical bar. It is slightly transparent so as to not completely block that side of the screen. Rankings are set to default (listed above) unless you adjust the filters. All adjustments can be done via the touchscreen, so you can adjust them as you are riding.
When Filters are Activated
Once you select a filter, it is immediately applied to the Leaderboard. If you want to only compete against riders in your age group, you can adjust it via the filter screen and only those riders will be displayed. Filters are permanent until you change them again — they won’t reset to default after completion of the ride.
How to Hide/Swipe the Leaderboard Aside
If you find the Leaderboard distracting, you can simply swipe your finger to the side and it will disappear into the right side of the screen.
How Riders are Ranked
As listed above, the default ranking is by total distance (speed x resistance). You can change this to rank by total elevation gain, since many of the NordicTrack and ProForm bikes include an incline/decline feature built into the bike. As of now, riders are not ranked by kilojoules like they are in Peloton.
How the iFit Leaderboard is Similar to Peloton’s
The overall view and ranking system looks very similar in the two programs.
- The Leaderboard appears on the right side of the screen in both programs.
- There are filters to adjust display options.
- Athletes can be ranked by various criteria based on rider preference.
- If you don’t want to see the Leaderboard, you can swipe it off the screen to the side.
How the iFit Leaderboard is different than Peloton’s
A few features make the iFit Leaderboard superior.
- The iFit Leaderboard is engineered to fairly reflect athlete effort while still allowing users to stop and pause the program.
One of my biggest complaints with the Peloton programming is there is no pause button! You cannot pause a class at any time to get a drink, help a child, answer the door, send a text or use the bathroom. If you step away from your bike or Tread, the class will continue in the background until you either come back or it times out. This is a huge hassle! One of the benefits of exercising at home is the ability to briefly pause when needed. Peloton does not have a pause button because it would throw off the Leaderboard rankings. Athletes who step away arguably have an advantage over those who continue to push through.
The iFit Leaderboard identifies those riders who have modified the ride by adjusting incline or pausing their program. A small yellow bubble appears above their name to show that they may have a slight advantage due to a short rest. You can select the “Hide Modified” filter which will exclude these riders from the Leaderboard display, this way riders who ride steady through the whole program are not at a disadvantage. It also makes it so riders can step away for a moment and then return to the class right where they left off. After any break or modification, you will have a yellow bubble for the duration of the ride. This feature maintains the fairness of the Leaderboard by designating those who modify, but it provides riders the ability to pause their ride when needed — which is one of the best benefits of riding at home!
- Leaderboard rankings are based on distance and elevation rather than Kilojoules
Riders may be training for different events or they may want to be ranked by different criteria than simply Kilojoules alone. Since NordicTrack bikes include incline and decline options, they can also reflect total elevation gain, which is an important training variable. Total distance as determined by resistance and speed throughout the session. Kilojoules are very accurate at reflecting how much energy you produced throughout your ride, but a Kj total doesn’t reflect resistance, speed or elevation gain. iFit allows users to tailor their rankings per their training variable.
What we don’t love about the Leaderboard
- Any Leaderboard feature can be distracting. When riding in a class or along an outdoor route, the Leaderboard can be distracting. Names are always moving up or down the list, which redirects your attention to the rankings.
- Some people don’t love to be ranked. Granted, you can always hide yourself from the rankings or change your profile to display Anonymous. While it’s not overly irritating, it is one more modification you have to make to your profile.
- The Leaderboard can feel discouraging. Ever work really hard in a class and finish feeling strong, only to check your ranking and find yourself near the bottom? That good feeling quickly dissipates and may rob you of your feeling of success or accomplishment. While the Leaderboard can be stimulating, it can also be disappointing.
What we love about the iFit Leaderboard
- Leaderboards connect people. Rather than feel like you are riding at home alone, the Leaderboard makes it feel like you are participating in an event with hundreds of other riders. This communal participation element is our favorite part of the Leaderboard feature.
- Leaderboards challenge riders to go just a little harder. It’s hard to watch yourself hover in that neutral zone of mediocrity — ranking somewhere in the middle of digital no-man’s-land. Consequently, riders get an added incentive to rise just a few rankings — one, then maybe two spots. This challenge makes us all try harder than we may otherwise do, therefore getting more out of the ride.
- The Leaderboard makes the ride a game. Even with the most engaging trainer in an interesting, fast-paced class, it can be tempting to lose interest. The Leaderboard keeps riders interested longer by creating an element of participation, competition and interaction — essentially, it turns the ride into a game. Who will win? Who can ride the fastest? Can you keep up? Are you as strong as you think? These are all questions teased out by the presence of the Leaderboard.
- The Leaderboard gives you an idea of who else is riding and where. Names, age divisions and locations are displayed beneath each name which brings a persona to the rider you are working against. “So, Hank in his 60’s from Las Vegas, let’s see what you got!” I’ve seen riders in their 70’s trounce younger riders in a race for the longest distance; with the Leaderboard, the field is wide open and anyone can play.
Our Final Synopsis: The Leaderboard is Cool!
All things considered, the iFit Leaderboard is one of our favorites! The fact that you can pause a class and adjust Leaderboard rankings based on who modified the ride is a brilliant solution to Peloton’s “you can never pause a class” strategy. This brings the power back into the hands of the athlete, who gets to choose how and what Leaderboard rankings to display — and when to pause quickly to answer the door.
Multiple filters also bring an added element of control and selection to the Leaderboard so you can modify your display per your training variables.
We love both the king icon for the fastest rider and the yellow bubble designation for those who modify the ride. A quick summary of each rider’s name, age, and location also keeps things interesting.
We suggest you check out the iFit Leaderboard today — we think you’ll like it — and if you don’t, you can always just swipe it away!
The issue with the leaderboard is that even with what should be hundreds of identical machines, there are still huge variables. If the reed switch is improperly set the distances can be way off. I’ve recently found 30 minute rides where the King has 17+ miles and no yellow bubble. So they haven’t modified the ride and averaged 34+ mph? I average 20mph on the same ride and it required an average cadence of 90. So they are averaging 150 rpm? Doubtful. This same person is king of several rides with similar results (double the miles of 2nd place) so they’ve either found a way to game the system or their machine is whacked out. Based on the multitude of examples of iFit not working properly, I’m guessing it’s the latter.
Hi Scott,
Thanks for your comment. The Leaderboard is a new feature, so I think iFit is still working out a few issues. The Leaderboard default ranks riders by distance, which is a combination of both speed and resistance. Resistance roughly corresponds to what gear you choose to ride in. If you drop to a lower gear, it becomes easier to pedal, so while your cadence (rpm’s) will go up, your speed might go down. So let’s say you’re pedaling 90rpm with a resistance level of 10, iFit calibrates this to be about 20mph. If you raise your resistance to level 15, but maintain 90rpm, iFit will estimate you are now covering 23mph and adjust your distance correspondingly.
There may be some technical details to be flushed out, because some riders sure seem to manage some impressive speeds! But, I think the little bugs will be ironed out with time. In general, I find the metrics to be accurate for me and the Leaderboard is a fun element when riding.
The number one person for distance on the ride I did today averaged 300mph. With that he isnt even the leader for calories or “effort”.
Apparently iFit doesn’t understand all static leaderboards get hacked, Peleton has a live leaderboard so it changes all the time. These leaderboards are more like “ghost runs” from what I’ve seen so a hacked run will be stuck on there until someone at iFit removes it, which will not happen with any regularity.
We’ve had a few comments regarding hacking on the Leaderboard and we’ve passed this info back to NordicTrack. They are ironing out glitches that allow for cheating. I think it’s just a few riders who do this, most of us use and enjoy the Leaderboard honestly. I like the option to pause my class/ride when needed, so I prefer the iFit solution to cheating as opposed to the Peloton issue of never being able to pause any ride. But hopefully they can get it worked out to avoid this issue in the future.
How do I remove it completely
You can swipe the Leaderboard to the right and it will disappear off the screen. You can also filter the Leaderboard so it is “Just You” which will eliminate all other riders. When Leaderboard stats show up at the end, it will only include your metrics.
I’ve seen the leaderboard come up once on my nordictrack treadmill, for the first time ever, a few days ago. Then, yesterday, it never showed up and I could not find a way to make it come up. Swiping in from the right side of the screen did not make it show up. How can I get it back?
Hi Dave,
I’m not sure on that one. I checked this morning and the Leaderboard on our treadmill appeared as the class started. When I swipe it to the left, it disappears to the side and when I swipe again right, it shows back up. So it may have just been a glitch? I’d load another class or route to see if you have the same issue and then contact iFit.
I absolutely Love the Leaderboard and absolutely hate the Leaderboard.
I hate the leader board because I am so competitive that I get distracted from my main mission of keeping my heart rate in a particular zone during my training.
I love the leader board because it is exhilarating pushing myself as I move up in the rankings.
A Love / Hate Relationship with the leader board.
i love the leaderboard,although lately i my name does not appear from the start of my ride.It usually begins with the top 10 .my name suddenly pops up after about 10 minutes cycling and my stats begin at that point(10 mins behind leaders)and obviously my stats are not a true reflection of my effort
why are the rankings on the sidebar different from the rankings on the post-workout leaderboard? Does one reflect those who are currently running (as opposed to all who have done the run previously?) If so, are you running against those who started at exactly the same time as you, or approximately the same time as you?
The Leaderboard rankings that are displayed on the class summary are the overall fastest riders (of all time). Someone may take the ride today and beat the previous fastest rider, so that name will change. The rankings on the sidebar are those riders who are currently (or just recently) participated in the ride.
You can also change the filter on your sidebar Leaderboard to display riders your age, gender and even eliminate those who have modified their ride in some way so the rankings in your real-time Leaderboard will change based on who is riding and the filter you choose to apply.
So if I modify the settings to only run against those who have completed the challenge in the last 30 days, this will only affect the rankings on the sidebar then? The summary is always set for the fastest riders of all time? Thanks again for your help. Love the feature.
Yes that is correct
I have to say, I have had a yellow bubble circle on my name in all the runs I have done, yet I have never stopped a training. I have changed speed faster than the trainer, but never under, yet the circle still pops up. I came looking for the reason of the yellow circle and I am still a bit confused. If I have never paused, then why would I have been marked as such?
We’re not sure why you would permanently have a yellow bubble by your name. That doesn’t make sense if you aren’t adjusting your ride metrics. Maybe log out of iFit and log back in to see if it resets in your profile? You could contact iFit customer service if it doesn’t resolve. Good luck!
if your leaderboard has disappeared, did I unintentionally swipe it to the right and off the page? can swiping from the right edge to the left bring it back?
Yes, you can swipe it off right and then bring it back by swiping left and it will reappear.
What do the dots next to your name mean/represent?
If you stop, pause or change the difficulty of your ride, a yellow dot appears to indicate you have modified the ride. This is done to keep the Leaderboard fair. If someone gets off their bike, takes a break, gets a drink and then gets back on, they will have an advantage over someone who rode straight through. This is intended to keep the rankings fair.
If I’m following one of the trainers on a run, let’s say the Dona Ana to Lagos Tempo Run, how do you compete against other runners who all just go with the flow of the programmed run? In other words, if I don’t touch any settings during the run and simply let the treadmill do it’s thing, it should be the same for everyone. So how do some people rank higher than others when we are all running at the same speed and same incline?
This is a valid question. We’ve wondered the same thing. With so many users participating at the same speed and incline we are not entirely sure how iFit ranks them. Perhaps it incorporates past rankings into the metric? We don’t have background data on how the Leaderboard is calibrated, we only have experience using it. But your point is valid and we’ve noticed the same thing.
Hi I noticed the leaderboard just appeared on my NordicTrac bike this week. If I take a class that is not live (replay of it) how does the leaderboard work? Who is actually represented on the leaderboard? Thank you
You can filter how the rankings are displayed in the Leaderboard. It can show riders who have completed the workout at any time (ALL TIME) or riders who are taking the class at the same time as you (HERE NOW). It can also be filtered to show riders in your same general location, same gender and age group.
I’m using iPhone app with proform bike. I don’t see the leaderboard during live or programmed rides. I only see stats when I go on my desktop account. Do I have something disabled or not a feature available on iPhone. Thanks.
The Leaderboard is not available on the digital app. Because you are using a different bike and your cadence/wattage/kilojoules can’t be quantified, the Leaderboard rankings wouldn’t be accurate.
Will iFit ever introduce games? I really want a rowing game on the Nordictrack rower
That’s a good question. Games would be a fun addition. As far as we are aware, iFit hasn’t beta tested games yet, but that could be on the horizon. The industry is constantly updating!