Peloton is considered a gold standard when it comes to at-home fitness programming. The instructors are fun and they’ve really created a community with the platform. But, what if you want to be a part of that community and take classes, but you don’t want to fork up the cost of one of their exercise bikes? We get it. With the monthly subscription and the cost of the bike, you’re already well over $1000 for just the bare minimum of what they offer for equipment.
So, what can you do to avoid paying this much to take Peloton classes? Yep, you read that title right: DIY your own Peloton Bike. With the right cheap exercise bike and a device, you’ll be sweating along with Cody Rigsby and Olivia Amato in no time! (Or whoever your favorite instructor might be).
And if you already know where I’m going with this, or if you’re looking for comparable programming to Peloton, then check out our Best Peloton Alternatives list.
So, how do you DIY your own Peloton Bike?
First, you have to find the right bike, and ideally an affordable one. In our extensive testing of exercise bikes, we’ve found that there are plenty of solid options for under $1000. We have some favorites that you can check out here. Plus, we have a guide to walk you through everything you need to know about buying an exercise bike.
Once you have the bike, you’ll need to get the Peloton app on your phone/tablet. You can even download the app on your smart TV. For the latter option, you can park your bike in front of the TV and follow along with Peloton’s A-list instructors. The Peloton app is only $12.99 per month so it’s definitely a more affordable option than paying $39 per month to use the subscription on Peloton’s bikes.
Using the Peloton app on your phone or tablet is easy. Most exercise bikes come with a rack for you to place your phone. However, you might need to purchase one separately. Now, you could select a class in the app and stream from your device while you ride, or cast it to a TV (if the TV allows). Casting is a nice option if you’re streaming from a small screen such as a phone. Although, I’ve taken Peloton classes from my phone and it works just fine.
Now, with these options, the only downside is your metrics won’t be shown within the app. Peloton instructors go off of resistance and cadence when teaching. In order to see where you’re at and compare where your Peloton instructor is telling you to be, you’ll need a cadence sensor. A popular cadence sensor is the WAHOO Cadence Sensor. This attaches to your shoe or the pedal crank to read your cadence while you pedal. This way when an instructor gives you a range to keep your cadence within, you’ll be able to know where your pace is at.
Some exercise bikes come with monitors which display your cadence, so depending on the bike you get, you might not need to purchase a cadence sensor.
Another good idea is to purchase a heart rate monitor if your bike doesn’t come with one. There are many different armbands to choose from. This way you’ll have an idea of how hard you’re working based on your heart rate. If you have an Apple Watch, this syncs with the Peloton app to track your workouts as well as see your heart rate.
What features are missing when DIYing your own Peloton Bike?
When using the Peloton app, you won’t see or compete on the leaderboard. You won’t have automated resistance that adjusts with the trainer’s cues like on the Peloton Bike+. You won’t be able to take any of Peloton’s Lanebreak classes or Peloton’s outdoor rides that are available on both Peloton Bikes either.
Considering you will be saving yourself a considerable amount of money, I think this is a pretty fair trade-off. Plus, by DIYing your own Peloton bike, you’ll get in a good workout which is the whole point!
Have you tried DIYing your own Peloton bike? Do you prefer taking Peloton classes or using another platform? Let us know in the comments!
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